Wednesday, October 7, 2009

09/7/9 SDROW WEN

1) Dogmatic-ADJ- opinionated, assertive, or determined
2) Egregious- ADJ-shocking or appalling
3) Dissipated- VB- to scatter in various directions- disperse.
4) Disparage- VB- to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle
5) Elucidate-VB- to provide clarification; explain.
6) Torpid-ADJ- inactive or sluggish
7) Tempestuous- ADJ- stormy emotion, blustery, turbulent
8) Edifice-NOUN-a building, esp. one of large size or imposing appearance
9) Decorous-ADJ- proper, decent, appropriate.
10) Eulogium-Noun-honor, privilege, reward
11) Propriety-Noun- decency, respectability
12) Sagacious-ADJ- wise, clever, intelligent
13) Voluminous-ADJ- roomy, spacious, full, big, large
14) Arduous-ADJ- difficult, hard, vigorous, demanding, tough, challenging
15) Alacrity-NOUN- willingness, readiness, enthusiasm
16) Languid-ADJ- relaxed, unhurried, lethargic, listless

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